May 3, 2012

Use mobile technology for business-coffee

The National, Thursday 03rd May 2012

BANK South Pacific customers can now buy electricity units from their bank accounts using BSP’s mobile banking service on either the Digicel or Citifon networks. “This new functionality on BSP’s mobile banking brings greater convenience to customers who can now top-up their EasiPAY meter directly from their bank accounts via SMS, from the luxury of their home, office or on the go, 24 hours a day and seven days a week,” BSP Group CEO Ian Clyne said yesterday in Port Moresby to mark the launch of the service.

It will cost 25t per SMS on Digicel and 50t per SMS on Citifon as transaction fees on top of the normal K1 charge. By partnering with PNG Power, Digicel PNG and Telikom PNG, Clyne said it was part of BSP’s commitment to delivering convenient and innovative banking solutions for its customers. Clyne acknowledged that its mobile banking and other services to bring banking to the people was made possible through the technology that Digicel introduced in PNG. He said by using mobile banking, customers could avoid cash and queues at physical locations to make their power purchases. Topping up with EasiPay is one of the services customers can get apart from checking account balances, transferring funds, topping with Digicel phone credits and 3G broadband modem and checking their transactions. “BSP is committed to making banking easier and more convenient.”

We do this by providing the latest online and mobile banking facilities, more branches, thousands of EFTPOS facilities and hundreds of ATMs - more than any bank in the South Pacific,” Clyne said. Before making a purchase, customers have to sign up for mobile banking to register their Digicel or Citifon mobile numbers as well as their own or another’s power meter numbers. To make a purchase, simply text ‘Top easi’ to ‘16288’ and the amount to purchase, for example: ‘Top easi 10’. The EasiPAY top up has a daily limit, with a minimum of K10 per request and K200 as maximum. If the EasiPAY token is not accepted on your meter, contact PNG Power for assistance on 324 3550 or 324 3551.

PNG Power Ltd CEO Tony Koiri said the partnership with BSP was an avenue which they aim to provide greater accessibility, convenience and satisfaction to their customers, as they first did with Digicel PNG. Digicel PNG CEO John Mangos challenged other companies to follow BSP’s lead in utilising Digicel’s network to push their own services in the competitive market to bring innovation a lot quicker to their customers. Telikom PNG acting CEO Charles Litau urged Citifon users who bank with BSP to utilise the service with 50t SMS rate. He said it was worthwhile to note that in today’s modern world of innovative technology, mobile phones could, not only be used to communicate, but also to conduct business and maintain household needs.

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