May 18, 2012

Australia shows interest in PNG coffee

The National, Thursday 17th May 2012

AUSTRALIAN roasters and importers have shown keen interest to source coffee from small-hold farmers in Papua New Guinea during an expo in Melbourne, Australia, this month. Profiles of leading coffee grower groups in Morobe province were showcased and PNG growers got the chance to talk about their experience in coffee growing, harvesting and exporting processes during the International Coffee Expo from May 4-6. Importers also spoke highly of smallholder coffee farming in PNG.

Morobe Provincial executive council chairman for agriculture and livestock, Daki Mao, headed the PNG delegation to the expo. Mao said it was about time farmers and those at the end of the supply chain had direct connections so that they earn the benefits for their sweat. "I am impressed by the interest shown by Australian coffee roasters and importers" he said. Simon Gesip, the farmer training and extension coordinator with the Morobe provincial government was excited about the prospects of his farmers sending samples to several roasters for quality assessments. He said with the success of several farmer groups already exporting directly, this was another opportunity for farmers to diversify their markets.

While many of the participants at the expo were those at the very end of the supply chain, the PNG team was the only grower-based group at the exposition. "PNG has been playing second fiddle and there is a need for the industry to rise up to the occasion by attending international coffee forums," Mao said. Promotion was required externally as 90% of the green beans were exported.

Coffee Industry Corporation chief executive, Navi Anis commended the Morobe provincial government and stressed that such engagements call for collaboration and partnership so that PNG coffee growers are better served. Morobe province was now the official third highest coffee producer after Western Highlands and Eastern Highlands, he said."There seems to be sufficient interest in the province to continue increasing coffee production so that lives of the growers are enhanced from the income received from coffee."


  1. This is an excellent move both by Australian roasters and the Morobe smaller farmers. The Morobe farmers will surely reap the benefit of their seer determination and hard work. It is also helpful for the small farmers because the norm is the farmers produce sell to the middle man in turn the middle men process to green bean and exports to Australia. This will now be no more. The small farmers can now process to green bean and export direct to the roasters. The price is also premium which the Morobe farmers shall enjoy. Also it is good to see Coffee Industry Corporation extension officers great input in this mile stone achievement. Even the division of agriculture of the department of Morobe for its in put into this great development in coffee of its province.

  2. The onus is now on the Morobe smaller coffee farmers to seize the opportunity at their benefit. There should be more cooperative groups set up so the volume and consistency of production be seriously looked at. This can be assisted by both the CIC and the division of agriculture of the department of Morobe. The cooprerative group formation should be encouraged and awareness be made to the other farmers who have not utilized.
