December 19, 2012

CIC boss urges coffee farmers to organize

The National, Wednesday 19th December, 2012
COFFEE farmers from the four major coffee growing provinces in the country should organise themselves into a group that will run their farms and market their produce for better income.
Coffee Industry Corporation chief executive Navi Anis made the call recently in Goroka during the report presentation on a coffee profiling project carried out by CIC in Eastern Highlands, Chimbu, Jiwaka and Western Highlands.
He said farmers must realise that to achieve higher income, they must organise themselves to produce high quality coffee and market it for better price.
Anis said farmers operating individually would not achieve consistent coffee quality and high volume, thus, the receive lower prices.
He also acknowledged the women coffee farmers who attended the report presentation.
“Women in PNG do most of the hard work in far­ming and processing coffee and I acknowledge the women farmers who are here today,” Anis said.
The coffee profiling project titled “Determination and evaluation of smallholder coffee flavour profi­ling and traceability in PNG” was aimed at training the farmer groups on best practices in coffee production.
The project was carried out with farmer groups from Tiredne (Okapa), Timuza (Kainantu), and Nagamiufa (Goroka) in Eastern Highlands; Arosubamo (Chuave), Mindima (KundiawaGembogl), Kapmawapo (Sinasina-Yongomugl), Daniel Godoga (Kerowagi) and Kobal Sipal (Gumine) in Chimbu;  Pundu Kas (Hagen Central), Paunda (Tambul-Nebilyer), Lumba and Tikil Wopkola(Mul-Baiyer) in Western Highlands;  and Nobal Tai (Banz) and Walep Kamil (Jimi) in Jiwaka.

Via The National

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